Sunday, August 29, 2010

Cuisine on the wheels !(Service)

A process that creates benefits by facilitating a desired change in customers themselves, physical possessions, or intangible assets. The turn of the century has seen profound changes in the global economy. Services have played a crucial part in these changes, because services are becoming the way. Organizations meet with their markets. Already organizations have discovered that their survival no longer exclusively depends on the products they offer, but also on the additional offerings they make to their customers that differentiate them from their competitors.

Innovative organizations, offering new services as well as unique customer services, are now succeeding in markets where established organizations have failed . Services marketing is not a self-enclosed task but is integral to service organizations as a whole and the object of the activity is people, who are reactive, not passive as compared with a product . Services marketing concepts, frameworks and strategies were developed as the result of interlinked the forces of many industries, organizations, and individuals who have realized the increasingly important role services are playing in the current world economy. Initially the development of services marketing focused on service industries. However, manufacturing and technology industries recognized services as a prerequisite to compliment their products, in order to compete successfully in the market place.

Therefore it can be argued that, in most industries, providing a service is no longer an option but a necessity. Providing a service is a people business. The interaction between customers and service employees is vital for the actual success of service delivery. Rendering excellent quality service depends very much on the way service employees behave. In this regard, service competencies and service inclination contribute towards the success of services . Customers are becoming more educated and demand not only quality products but also high levels of services to accompany them. Service organizations therefore need to adapt to customers’ views on services in order to assess whether the services they provide are perceived by customers as better than those provided by other service providers.

Facts about service:

There are some facts regarding service which can not be ignored by service providers.

These are as follows:

 Facts about customer experiences and referrals (

• A good customer experience is told to 8 other people

• A bad customer experience is told to 22 other people

• It takes 10 good experiences to make up for one bad one

• 70% buying experiences are based on how the customer feels they are being treated

 Facts about customer retention and churn facts (

• An average company loses between 10 and 30% of its customers each year

• A 5% reduction in the customer defection rate can increase profits by 25% to 80%

• Satisfying and retaining current customers is 3 to 10 times cheaper than acquiring new customers

• A North American study by McKinsey estimates that successful efforts to cross-sell during inbound service calls could boost a retail bank's sale of new products by 10%, based on a study of North American banks.

 Facts about customer service and contact centers/call centers (

• Executives know that upgrades in contact center technologies will not help unless companies also change the way their people work

• A good customer service strategy should balance costs, quality, and revenues. Companies that restructure call centers in this way can often cut their costs by up to 25% and boost the revenue they generate by as much as 35%, thereby transforming them into strategic assets providing a competitive advantage

New service design:
New Service Design is the activity of planning and organizing people, infrastructure, communication and material components of a service, in order to improve its quality, the interaction between service providers and customers and the customer's experience.

Service design cycle:

Cuisine on the wheels”

Service blue print:

This service will be Quitting new and unique in their own in the India. Through this service service- provider will arrange the Dinning at place of customer choice. The customer will book the dinning with some down payment with favorite cuisine and hot- spot where he wants to celebrate. The special deigned buses which will carry necessary food item will arrange the dinner on the spot with customer choice music and lighting (candle light).

In this type of service gap should be minimized because this type of service defiantly is costly and only for a few people so we can say that this type of service will target niche market. This premium class service will be provided with premium class product to premium class customer. Because of the nature of the service any service gap can lead to customer dissatisfaction.

Problems :

1. Security and safety:

Security and safety of customer are one of the concerns .Because customers can choose the dinning spot far away from the city so service provider should ensure the safety and security of the customer .

2. Misplacement of order:

Misplacement of order is also a big concern because customer will avail this type of service mostly on some special occasion, but if he finds the food which he ordered is not present can lead to high dissatisfaction. So from that service provider should be in contact with the VAN so that any demand of the customer can be full-filled.

3. Cancellation of order:

In any case if customer wants to cancel the order then provider can have a huge loss because of wastage food , transportation cost etc. .For that provider should charge some down payment so that the customer would be more responsible.

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